Wednesday, February 9, 2022 from 11:00 am-1:00 pm
Dr. Edward Bush has over 21 years of experience in higher education. Dr. Bush is the President of Cosumnes River College in Sacramento. Prior to his position as College President, Dr. Bush served as Vice President of Student Services for seven years, tenured associate faculty member in student life and leadership, the Director of the Educational Talent Search federal TRIO grant, Dean of Student Services. Dr. Bush leadership experience further includes his involvement on statewide committees and initiatives. Dr. Bush currently serves as the Area 2 representative for the California Community College League CEO Board, the CEO Representative for the state’s Chancellor Office Faculty Diversity Committee and the Chancellor’s Office Student Success Metrics Taskforce. Dr. Bush is an innovative leader who has been able to reimagine traditional institutional practices. His innovative approach including the implementation of guided pathways has led to improvement of student outcomes while reducing gaps in achievement for students of color and other historically marginalized student populations. Dr. Bush is a student success focused leader with a clear vision and expertise in leading organizations through periods of change and structural disruption in order to meet the evolving needs of students and the communities in which they serve. Dr. Bush is a scholar practitioner who has served as an adjunct faculty members for several graduate programs. Moreover, Dr. Bush academic achievements includes; the co-authorship of 2 books, 2 book chapters, and 12 peer reviewed publications appearing in a variety of journals. Dr. Bush is a sought after speaker on issues relating to student success, equity, diversity, and leadership. He has been an invited presenter for numerous statewide, local and national organizations. Dr. Bush received his Bachelors of Arts degree in Political Science from University of California, Riverside, a Master of Arts Degree in Public Administration from California State University, San Bernardino, and a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership from Claremont Graduate University in Urban Educational Leadership. He and his wife Dr. Jenise Bush have a daughter who is a law student at UC Irvine and a son who is a recent graduate of Morehouse College. Co-sponsored with the Sawubona Black Student Support Center.

Transcribing Painting and Photography into Word – using the Visual Arts to inspire character and story
Mary Louise Hill
Monday, March 7, 2022 - 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Dr. Mary Louise Hill has recently completed her first historical novel, Doubly Cursed, which is an immigration story beginning in 1861 in Prussian-occupied Poland and ending in 1901 in Buffalo, New York. While writing, she painted watercolors of rural Polish landscapes, cottages, public buildings, and interiors, to help with creating authentic descriptions. Doubly Cursed was conceived as the first in a two-book family history. She is now working on the second book, set exclusively in her hometown of Cleveland, Ohio. While painting continues to be a valuable tool for Dr. Hill, photographs have assumed a primary inspirational role. Margaret Bourke-White’s photographs of 1920s Cleveland inform her tone and mood; historic photos and maps provide details of place; and family photos are helping inspire characters. Dr. Hill will present examples of each for this presentation, and end with a brief reading. Co-Sponsored with Women's History Month.

Women and Disability in America
Catherine Sanchez
Monday, March 14, 2022 - 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Disability is an intersectional facet of identity that is often overlooked or uncommunicated when we are taught history, even history about people who were advocating for their rights. Catherine Sanchez's presentation will focus on general American history through the lens of women and disability while highlighting specific stories of disabled female-identifying activists from various backgrounds. Co-Sponsored with Women's History Month.