Spring 2018

State of Homelessness in Sonoma County   

Jennielynn Holmes & Council Member Tom Schwedhelm

Join us for a meaningful discussion on homelessness and the collaborative approaches, resources, and best practices gleaned from other metro areas. We'll talk about the scope of work being applied in our area, specifically: (a) How to move from managing homelessness to solving homelessness; (b) What current programs are proving to be successful and how we can further invest in them; (c) How everyone can be a part of the solution.

What If Women Built A College And EVERYbody Came?

Gaye LeBaron   

As the Santa Rosa Junior College campus and local communities reflect upon the College’s 100-year anniversary, various historical events and demographic trends serve as a meaningful backdrop. Acclaimed local historian and journalist, Gaye LeBaron, will provide an insightful historical overview of Sonoma County, shedding light on the role and legacy of Santa Rosa Junior College.

YouTube icon for video link

Nonviolence and Human Destiny  

Michael Nagler

This will be a presentation of the “State of the Art” of nonviolence today, and its significance for the cultural, economic, and political shifts that are underway. We will consider Gandhi’s contributions to economic theory and social change, duly adjusted to modern conditions, and place special emphasis on the “paradigm shift” in science regarding the potential of human nature.

White Like Me: Reflections on race from a Privileged Son

Tim Wise

Tim Wise is the author of White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son, in which he offers a deeply personal take on whiteness, white privilege, and racism in America. Wise explains how white privilege damages not only people of color, but white people as well, in the process providing an accessible and powerful introduction to the social construction of racial identities.
Sponsored by the Dede and David Del Monte Lectureship Endowment

Where Do We Go From Here?   

Peter Coyote

Peter Coyote has been an actor in over 145 films and an author of two books and numerous articles. In 1966 he was a founder of The Diggers, an anarchist family famous for providing free food, free stores, free medical clinics and free crash pads. From 1975-83 he served as policy advisor to Governor Edmund Brown Jr., and as a member (and later Chairman) of the California Arts Council. He was credited with many of the policies and political strategies that raised the budget from 1 to 18 million dollars annually. He currently lives on a small farm with two dogs, 40 fruit trees, and is a fully transmitted Zen Buddhist priest.